Rebound hammer test on Concrete structures

Rebound hammer test is one of the most popular and simple non-destructive concrete tests. The Non-destructive test is the process of detection of defects in concrete without its destruction. The determination of concrete quality is necessary for both fresh concrete and hardened concrete. The rebound hammer test is the common test for determining quality for existing structures.

Highway Engineering- Definition, Importance and Construction Details

Highway engineering is an important topic in civil engineering. It includes the study of roads in depth. The technical aspects involved in this subject plays a significant role in construction of different types of roads. In this blog, I will show you all the details of the subject including the definition, topics, importance etc.

Consistency test on cement – Significance and Procedure

The consistency of cement mortar is its ability to flow. The consistency test on cement is performed to determine the water necessary for attaining standard consistency or normal consistency.

Public health engineering – Definition and Objectives

Public health engineering helps people to satisfy their humanitarian needs. Today’s crises occur often in urban areas. They usually last longer and have a wider regional effect. They cause widespread human misery, threaten basic services such as water supply and sanitation.

Secondary Treatment for Wastewater – Methods and Process

Secondary treatment of wastewater removes the dissolved organic matter that escapes primary treatment and eliminates a higher percentage of suspended solids. In this blog, I will walk you through various biological methods used in the secondary treatment of wastewater.

Activated Sludge Process – Stages and Process Control

Activated Sludge Process is a globally used wastewater treatment technique. In the previous blogs, I had shown you the various secondary wastewater treatment techniques. In this blog, we will dig deep into this widely used technique of activated sludge process, its configuration, process control and aeration methods.

What are Water Pollutants? – Definition, Sources and Types

Water Pollutants kill more people every year than from all forms of violence including war, according to the UNDESA. Every day, 2 million tons of sewage, industrial, and agricultural waste reaches water bodies all over the world. With the growth of the human population, industrial and agricultural activities the hydrological cycle got disrupted. As a result, declining water quality has become a global issue of concern.

Best Cement of India || Top Cement Companies in India -2021

Which are the best cement companies in India? Which is the best cement in India? This is the common question every individual should be asking while deciding to go for home construction.

Air Pollution Control measures – Top 9 Air pollution control devices

It’s the need of the hour to take measures for air pollution control and prevention since millions of Indians are constantly exposed to polluted air. For instance, they breathe up to 25 micrograms/cubic metre of the lethal, microscopic pollutant PM 2.5 on a 24-hour average. This is well above the World Health Organization’s (WHO) limit of 10 micrograms/cubic metre.

What are air pollutants? | Types,sources and effects of air pollution

Air Pollutants Examples, Air Pollutants meaning, Effects of Air Pollution, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Major Air Pollutants, Primary Air Pollutants, Secondary Air pollutants, Sources of Air Pollutants, what air pollution is, What are air pollutants?, What are air pollution causes?, What are criteria air pollutants?, What are greenhouse gases?, What are the air pollutants?, What are the five major air pollutants?, What are the main air pollutants?, What is air pollutants?