Prefabricated and modular houses – 10 Amazing designs. | Advantages and Disadvantages

Prefabricated and modular houses, as found in New City Paradise, are like putting together a puzzle. But best of all is that from one or more pieces, it is you who decides the final image. The future of housing design will probably be increasingly closer to the modality of prefabricated and modular houses.

Bitumen Softening Point Test – Ring and ball method

The bitumen softening Point Test is done to determine the consistency of bitumen. Bitumen is a viscoelastic material, which means it behaves like both a liquid and a solid state. It does not have a specific melting point. As the temperature increases, the bitumen becomes softer and the viscosity of the bitumen decreases. One of the common parameters for classifying bitumen is the softening point of the bitumen. This property shows at what temperature the bitumen softens. 

Types of foundations in civil engineering

Types of foundations – This article focuses on different types of foundations used in civil engineering. The foundation is the most crucial component of any structure/building because it transfers the total loads of the structure and its components to a competent ground surface. There are two types of foundations. ie: Shallow foundations and deep foundations

Penetration Test for Bitumen – Significance and Procedure

The penetration test for bitumen is a laboratory method for grading bitumen based on its hardness. In this test, the amount of penetrating a specific needle into the bitumen is measured.

More than 85% of bitumen is used in road construction. Weather condition affects on bitumen binder. In cold weather, bitumen becomes hard, and the possibility of cracking increases. On the other hand, hot weather causes bitumen becomes soft and sticky.

The Ozone Layer Depletion – Effects and Causes

The ozone layer is an area of the earth’s stratosphere that contains high levels of ozone (O3) and protects the planet from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. It can absorb roughly 97-99 percent of the sun’s damaging UV radiation, which otherwise can kill life on the Earth.

Environmental Laws of India – A Complete Guide

The environmental Laws of India help to ensure the protection of the environment and other natural resources and to prevent pollution. In this blog, we will discuss the major Environmental Laws of India and their provisions. Let’s begin with the background of the formation of Environmental Laws and the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).

Sustainable Waste Management – Full Details

Sustainable Waste Management has become the need of the hour with the ever-increasing amount of garbage that humans generate. According to the United Nations, around 11.2 billion tonnes of solid garbage are collected worldwide, with humans accounting for nearly all of it. As a result, we must devise plans for long-term sustainable waste management.

Aeroponic Farming – Process, Types, Advantages – Full Details

Aeroponics is one of the major techniques in indoor farming which is becoming popular these days due to greater yields and the ability to control the growing environment. Greenhouse and vertical farming are the two main types of indoor farming.

Types of Levelling – Uses and advantages

Types of levelling – Leveling is a branch of surveying that deals with computing and determining the relative heights between different points with respect to the datum. The purpose of leveling is for determining the elevation of a point and establishing the same at a given elevation. Moreover leveling deals with the computation of measurements in the vertical plane. There are different types of leveling in Surveying. In this article, we will discuss the purpose and types of leveling.

Landfills – Causes, Operation and Life Cycle- Everything you should know

Landfills are a regular occurrence all over the world, owing to the rising volume of trash generated by our homes, schools, offices, hospitals, and markets. The rising number of landfills around the world is largely due to increased urbanization and population growth rates.