Road Camber : Importance, Types, and Its Effect on Road Safety

Road camber, also known as the cross slope, is the slight curvature found on the surface of a road. This slope is incorporated into the design. Camber in road is designed primarily to aid efficient drainage. Water runs off towards the edges of the road. This prevents waterlogging or puddling. This minimizes risks such as hydroplaning, which can lead to accidents, especially in wet conditions. A properly cambered road contributes to road longevity, as pooling water can accelerate surface wear.

Cable Stayed Bridge – Types, Components and Construction

A cable stayed bridge is a modern engineering marvel known for its strength, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. It uses one or more towers to support the bridge deck through a series of cables, which transfer the load directly to the foundation. Unlike suspension bridges, the cables in a cable stayed bridge connect directly from the deck to the towers in a straight line. This design provides greater rigidity, making it ideal for long spans and challenging terrain.

Bitumen for roads – Bitumen Uses, Grades and Types

Bitumen for road is an important topic to understand the construction of roads. I will walk you through how important bitumen is for road construction. Also, we will see bitumen road layers, different bituminous materials, cutback bitumen, grade of bitumen and properties of bitumen. A comparison between bitumen and tar will also be discussed in the sections.

Intelligent transportation system – Components of Intelligent transportation system

What is intelligent transportation system?Intelligent transportation system is a hot topic among all civil engineering subjects that has gained popularity and many countries are successfully implementing it. With the rapidly exploding population, ITS has even become a mandatory technique in all countries. Here, we are going to read through the main components of the intelligent transportation system. We will swim through the benefits of intelligent transportation system in the middle, then to uses and challenges of ITS.

Bitumen Softening Point Test – Ring and ball method

The bitumen softening Point Test is done to determine the consistency of bitumen. Bitumen is a viscoelastic material, which means it behaves like both a liquid and a solid state. It does not have a specific melting point. As the temperature increases, the bitumen becomes softer and the viscosity of the bitumen decreases. One of the common parameters for classifying bitumen is the softening point of the bitumen. This property shows at what temperature the bitumen softens. 

Penetration Test for Bitumen – Significance and Procedure

The penetration test for bitumen is a laboratory method for grading bitumen based on its hardness. In this test, the amount of penetrating a specific needle into the bitumen is measured.

More than 85% of bitumen is used in road construction. Weather condition affects on bitumen binder. In cold weather, bitumen becomes hard, and the possibility of cracking increases. On the other hand, hot weather causes bitumen becomes soft and sticky.

Types of Bridges – Top 7 Bridge Design Types and Principles

Bridges can range from modest constructions to massive, eye-catching pieces of art – and everything in between. A bridge serves its sole purpose as long as it transports us across a gap. Types of bridges is an important classification in civil engineering. In today’s blog, we are going to learn different types of bridges in detail.

Highway Engineering- Definition, Importance and Construction Details

Highway engineering is an important topic in civil engineering. It includes the study of roads in depth. The technical aspects involved in this subject plays a significant role in construction of different types of roads. In this blog, I will show you all the details of the subject including the definition, topics, importance etc.

Self driving cars – Benefits, Working and Challenges – Full details

Self driving cars have become a reality in the past five years, and is commercially available now. A car that would drive on its own was something beyond imagination a few decades back. Thanks to technological development, self driving cars are becoming a reality.

Cloverleaf interchange- Examples and Problems

A cloverleaf interchange is a two-level interchange at which left turns are done by ramp roads (reverse directions in left-driving regions) (US: ramps, UK: slip roads). Vehicles first proceed to go left (in right-hand traffic) as one lane crosses over or below the other, then exit right onto a one-way three-fourth loop ramp (270 °)