Admixture types | Mineral and Chemical Admixture

Types of admixture to be used in concrete depend on the structure’s intended use, design strength, pouring conditions, and other factors.Admixture is an ingredient added in concrete along with cement, sand, water, and aggregates to modify/enhance the properties of concrete and make it more desirable for a particular environment. Admixtures are important ingredients in high performance, long-lasting, durable and beautiful concrete produced now a days. This article is about Admixtures and their types.

Penetration Resistance Test – Significance and Procedure

Penetration resistance test is a concrete non-destructive test. This test determines the strength of concrete by penetrating a steel rod.Non-destructive test (NDT) and destructive tests (DT) are the the tests done one hardened concrete. Concrete is the oldest and most important construction material in the world.

Methods of concrete curing – Top 3 curing methods explained

The concrete curing methods depend on the nature of the structure, site conditions, and ingredient parameters. In this article, we will go through some common curing methods adopted in constructions sites. For getting a better understanding of the topic, refer to our earlier article Curing of concrete – Process and significance.

Concrete Pumps Types – Applications and advantages

Concrete pumps are devices that convey concrete from a concrete source to a casting location. In this blog, I will show you the basic theory, forms, and selection of concrete pumps.

Non Destructive test (NDT)- Hardened Concrete

Non-destructive test (NDT) and destructive tests (DT) are the the tests done one hardened concrete. Concrete is the oldest and most important construction material in the world. Testing of the concrete plays and important role to know about the strength, durability and condition of the structure. This article is about the types of Destructive and non destructive tests done on concrete.

Rebound hammer test on Concrete structures

Rebound hammer test is one of the most popular and simple non-destructive concrete tests. The Non-destructive test is the process of detection of defects in concrete without its destruction. The determination of concrete quality is necessary for both fresh concrete and hardened concrete. The rebound hammer test is the common test for determining quality for existing structures.

Splitting tensile strength test of concrete – Test procedure

The splitting tensile strength test is performed on hardened concrete to determine its tensile strength. Marginal variations in water to cement ratio, ingredient proportioning, increase in a slump, etc impacts the desired concrete strength. This in turn affects the strength and stability of structures. There are several tests to determine the strength of concrete.

Compressive strength test of concrete | Cube test for Concrete

As a construction material, concrete should be able to withstand heavy loads. The concrete material beneath compression tends to reduce its size. Concrete gains its strength over time. The compressive strength depends on cement strength, water-cement ratio, concrete quality etc. The test gives an idea of the overall strength and above-mentioned factors.

Stones || Quality tests on stones ||Types and procedures

Stones are the form of rocks from the earth’s crust. They find their application in the construction of residential and public buildings, dams, harbours, face-work of structures, road metal, and railway ballast. Besides stones possess good strength and durability.

Flow table test – Workability of concrete

Flow table test on concrete is done to determine the fluidity of concrete. This also indicates the workability or consistency of the concrete