Interior Design: 3 Key Points and 3 (Common) Mistakes to Avoid

Interior design is the art or practice of strategizing and managing the planning, design and execution of architectural interiors and their finishes and furnishings. When we decide to build our home, a path begins that generates proposals in a much larger spectrum than what refers to the house itself.

We also began to pay special attention to everything related to architecture, construction, and interior design.

We observe, in the spaces we inhabit, how this or that technical resolution works, how much we like a certain colour palette, what combinations of materials we find most pleasing, and everything that opens up behind this new universe.

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This is where I would like to make an aside for interior design.

It is the stage that materializes towards the middle and end of the work once the structural part and the “gross work” is resolved.

The interior designer ideally works as a team with the architect and the family to focus on everything that has to do with the well-being inside the home.

Contents  hide 

1 What does an Interior Designer Do?

2 Key points of Interior Design

2.1 #1. Form and Function – Primary point of interior design

2.2 #2. Materiality –

2.3 #3. Aesthetic

3 Common Interior Design Mistakes

3.1 #1. Not Planning the Interior Design

3.2 #2. Moving into the Unfinished House (or Knowing when we will Finish it)

3.3 #3. Put Sustainability Aside

4 Conclusions

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What does an Interior Designer Do?

His task has much to do with architecture and also includes decoration, but goes beyond it:

It attends to the habitability of the space, its healthiness, materials, the interior climate in terms of temperature and humidity, lighting, functionality, and aesthetics of all its equipment, etc.

It takes into account the behavioural and psychological aspects of those who will live in each space.

Creative and playful aspect of Interior design
The creative and playful aspects of Interior design

Here comes the most stimulating part of designing the interior of a home: Its creative and playful aspect.

The possibility of working on it as a family and shaping it as a team with a professional who finishes shaping it and adjusting it to what we have already been designing.

They can be encouraged to make group sketches, put together collages or “mood boards” with pieces, materials, and colours that inspire them, and cut out and save images, words, photos, and phrases that serve as a guide throughout the process.

Let us have a walk through to the key points of Interior design

Key points of Interior Design

Three key points of interior design to keep in mind are as follows

  • Form and function
  • Materiality
  • Esthetic
Key points of Interior design
Key points of Interior design

#1. Form and Function – Primary point of interior design

It is important that the forms we choose for the interiors are consistent with the design of the “shell” and vice versa, as well as with the decisions we have been making at a functional level.

For example, if we choose to design a dome-type home where curved shapes prevail, that same criterion will guide us when choosing the openings, the furniture, and its distribution, to help reinforce the idea of ​​the organic.

space with constant ventilation -key point of interior design
space with constant ventilation -a key point of interior design

If the construction decisions aim to generate a space with constant ventilation, the interior distribution should also collaborate with this objective, avoiding locating large furniture or internal divisions that obstruct air circulation.

#2. Materiality –

Although sometimes we believe that the interior materials only have an influence on the aesthetic aspect, like the rest of the materials we choose for the home, they also have great weight at a functional level and a great influence on the comfort and healthiness of the home.

For example, if we decide to build a high-efficiency rocket stove with natural materials, we should consider surrounding it with a brick or stone plinth and floor to enhance its thermal inertia instead of using ceramics or wood that do not have that characteristic.

The choice of materials for a house is key

If from the design we are governed by the idea of ​​maintaining good insulation in the openings, we can collaborate with this by choosing a thick and heavy curtain on the facades most exposed to cold or wind. 

The choice of materials for a house is key and largely determines the interior design of our house. So also the functional aspects that collaborate with the design of the house at a functional level.

#3. Aesthetic

It is a point that we sometimes put aside when we are in the middle of work, right?

However, aesthetics is one of the pillars of any creative act and has a direct influence on the healthiness of the home since it is related to the appreciation of beauty.

Living spaces where we can inhabit beauty connect us directly with enjoyment and positive emotions, confidence, and self-esteem.

It relates to our most subtle side; it relates us to art in our daily lives. It also gives us the possibility to express the lifestyle that we seek to have and want to share.

Aesthetic looks

Spaces that we don’t like or cause us aesthetic discomfort influence us negatively; they can even make us feel incapable or affect our image of ourselves as creators.

As in the previous points, it is essential that the aesthetic line of the shell has a clear relationship with the interior, whether in a harmonious or totally disruptive way.

Common Interior Design Mistakes

Some issues arise repeatedly while designing spaces. These missteps can be avoided with a comprehensive understanding of design principles. The three most common interior design mistakes are as follows

  • Not planning the interior design
  • Moving into the unfinished house
  • Put sustainability aside

Let us dive into the details

#1. Not Planning the Interior Design

Being the last stage and perhaps the least “hard” or technical, everything related to equipment and finishes is usually left out of the plans of time, money, and energy within the work.

However, it is important to remember that ultimately these aspects make the quality of the home as much as the entire process that precedes it, and we must consider it within the planning of the work like any other stage.

#2. Moving into the Unfinished House (or Knowing when we will Finish it)

An idea that is usually installed due to not having measured our money, time, and energy to finish and equip the house is “we move as it is, and then we finish it”.

This is a decision that can lead us to live in an unhealthy space, not very functional or not suitable for the lifestyle we aimed for when we started.

Without planning, it is a state that can last longer than we think and begin to affect us emotionally and functionally in our homes.

#3. Put Sustainability Aside

In a rush to finish as it may, we can abandon in this last stage all the considerations of ecology, sustainability, and health in which we invest in the rest of the construction.

This is related, again, to not considering the interior of the house in our planning, and arriving without time, money, or energy to finish it.


1. The fundamentals: Consider the interior design and equipment of the home as part of the construction process, from the moment of planning and initial budget

2. Take interior design as a creative opportunity for all the people who are going to live in the house, and also encourage us to manufacture and generate the elements that are going to surround us every day

3. Pay attention to the spaces that we are visiting in order to take the ideas and concepts of those that we find harmonious and pleasant and translate them into the design of our home

4. Do not hesitate to consult a specialized professional, as in any other stage of the work

You already know interior design is something very important to consider in the design of your home Taking these recommendations into account, you can start thinking and imagining what the interior of your new home could be like. For more ideas on interior design, please visit

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