What are air pollutants? | Types,sources and effects of air pollution

Air Pollutants Examples, Air Pollutants meaning, Effects of Air Pollution, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Major Air Pollutants, Primary Air Pollutants, Secondary Air pollutants, Sources of Air Pollutants, what air pollution is, What are air pollutants?, What are air pollution causes?, What are criteria air pollutants?, What are greenhouse gases?, What are the air pollutants?, What are the five major air pollutants?, What are the main air pollutants?, What is air pollutants?

Air Pollution Effects and Causes – A complete overview

Air pollution is one of our era’s biggest scourges, not only because of the impact it causes on climate change but also because it influences public and individual health due to chronic illness and death. The effects of air pollution range from environmental effects like global warming to even financial and health effects like coma and death.