Testing of Bricks – Top 8 Test on bricks to ensure quality

Testing of Bricks is performed both on the job site and in the laboratory. A variety of test on bricks is performed to verify their suitability for use in construction. Bricks are one of the oldest and most significant building materials due to their longevity, dependability, strength, and low cost.

Specific Gravity and Water absorption test on Aggregate

Specific gravity and water absorption test are significant tests on aggregates. Perhaps aggregates are the fundamental and essential components of concrete and play a significant role in the design mix of concrete. More than 70 to 80 per cent of the volume of concrete is aggregate. Hence the water absorption and specific gravity test are essential and significant tests .

Stones || Quality tests on stones ||Types and procedures

Stones are the form of rocks from the earth’s crust. They find their application in the construction of residential and public buildings, dams, harbours, face-work of structures, road metal, and railway ballast. Besides stones possess good strength and durability.