BE Civil engineering subjects semester wise complete details!

Bachelor of Engineering subjects and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech). Are they same? No, but yes. There are similarities and differences in both. The outcome of course is more or less the same, but the subjects are different. Lets look at the difference before we dive in to the BE civil engineering subjects.

BE Civil engineering and BTech Civil engineering

  1. Both are two different ofessional degree courses, but you get to be a civil engineer.
  2. The universities which offer the courses are different
  3. The subjects of both degrees are not the same. Though both contain topics that impart knowledge in civil engineering.
  4. The course duration is same which is four years.
  5. There is no much difference between career opportunities. All the jobs and exams offered to a BE graduate considers BE graduates and vice versa.

Now, moving on to the subjects,

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 1

COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH                       


• To develop the basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technology students.

• To help learners develop their listening skills, which will, enable them listen to lectures and comprehend them by asking questions; seeking clarifications.

• To help learners develop their speaking skills and speak fluently in real contexts.

• To help learners develop vocabulary of a general kind by developing their reading skills


At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

•   Read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers.  

• Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English.

• Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English

• Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Richards, C. Jack. Interchange Students’ Book-2 New Delhi: CUP, 2015.

2. Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A practical guide for students. New York: Rutledge,2011                             

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS–  I                       


• The goal of this course is to achieve conceptual understanding and to retain the best traditions of traditional calculus.  The syllabus is designed to provide the basic tools of calculus mainly for the purpose of modelling the engineering problems mathematically and obtaining solutions.


After completing this course, students should demonstrate competency in the following skills:

• Use both the limit definition and rules of differentiation to differentiate functions.

• Apply differentiation to solve maxima and minima problems.

• Evaluate integrals both by using Riemann sums and by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

• Apply integration to compute multiple integrals, area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates, in addition to change of order and change of variables.

• Evaluate integrals using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions and integration by parts.

• Determine convergence/divergence of improper integrals and evaluate convergent improper integrals.

• Apply various techniques in solving differential equations.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Grewal B.S., “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rd Edition, 2014.  

2. Anton, H, Bivens, I and Davis, S, “Calculus”, Wiley, 10th Edition, 2016.



• To enhance the fundamental knowledge in Physics and its applications relevant to various streams of Engineering and Technology. 


Upon completion of this course, 

• The students will gain knowledge on the basics of properties of matter and its applications,

• The students will acquire knowledge on the concepts of waves and optical devices and their applications in fibre optics,

• The students will have adequate knowledge on the concepts of thermal properties of materials and their applications in expansion joints and heat exchangers,

• The students will get knowledge on advanced physics concepts of quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes, and

• The students will understand the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Bhattacharya, D.K. & Poonam, T.  “Engineering Physics”. Oxford University Press, 2015.

2. Halliday, D., Resnick, R. & Walker, J.  “Principles of Physics”. Wiley, 2015.


The figure shows a lady doing experiments in chemistry lab


• To make the students conversant with boiler feed water requirements, related problems and water treatment techniques

• To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to single and two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys.

• Preparation, properties and applications of engineering materials.

• Types of fuels, calorific value calculations, manufacture of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

• Principles and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills and fuel cells. 


• The knowledge gained on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatment techniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications for further learning.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. S. S. Dara and S. S. Umare, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company LTD, New Delhi, 2015 2.   P. C. Jain and Monika Jain, “Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) LTD, New Delhi, 2015

2. Friedrich Emich, “Engineering Chemistry”, Scientific International PVT, LTD, New Delhi, 2014.



• To know the basics of algorithmic problem solving

 • To read and write simple Python programs.

• To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.

• To define Python functions and call them.

• To use Python data structures –- lists, tuples, dictionaries.

• To do input/output with files in Python.


•  Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems

• Read, write, execute by hand simple Python programs.

•  Structure simple Python programs for solving problems.

• Decompose a Python program into functions.

• Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.

• Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Allen B. Downey, “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist’’,  2nd edition, Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O’Reilly Publishers, 2016  (

2. Charles Dierbach, “Introduction to Computer Science using Python: A Computational

ENGINEERING GRAPHICS                                 


• To develop in students, graphic skills for communication of concepts, ideas and design of engineering products. 

• To expose them to existing national standards related to technical drawings.


On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

• Familiarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphics

• Perform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.

• Project orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.

• Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.

• Visualize and  to project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Natrajan K.V., “A text book of Engineering Graphics”, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, Chennai, 2009.

2. Basant Agarwal and Agarwal C.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008.



•  To write, test, and debug simple Python programs.

• To implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.

• Use functions for structuring Python programs.

• Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.

• Read and write data from/to files in Python.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

• Write, test, and debug simple Python programs.

• Implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.

• Develop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.

• Use Python lists, tuples, dictionaries for representing compound data.

• Read and write data from/to files in Python.



• To introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied in optics, thermal physics, properties of matter and liquids. 


Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to

• Apply principles of elasticity, optics and thermal properties for engineering applications. 



• To make the student to acquire practical skills in the determination of water quality parameters through volumetric and instrumental analysis.

• To acquaint the students with the determination of molecular weight of a  polymer by  viscometery.


• The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (8TH edition, 2014)

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 2



The Course prepares  second semester engineering and Technology students to:

• Develop strategies and skills to enhance their ability to read and comprehend engineering and technology texts. 

• Foster their ability to write convincing job applications and effective reports.

• Develop their speaking skills to make technical presentations , participate in group discussions.

• Strengthen their listening skill which will help them comprehend lectures and talks in their areas


At the end of the course learners will be able to:

• Read technical texts and write area- specific texts effortlessly.

• Listen and comprehend lectures and talks in their area of specialisation successfully.

• Speak appropriately and effectively in varied formal and informal contexts.

• Write reports and winning job applications.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Board of editors. Fluency in English A Course book for Engineering and Technology. Orient Blackswan, Hyderabad: 2016

2. Booth-L. Diana, Project Work, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2014.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS                               


• This course is designed to cover topics such as Matrix Algebra, Vector Calculus, Complex Analysis and Laplace Transform. Matrix Algebra is one of the powerful tools to handle practical problems arising in the field of engineering.


After successfully completing the course, the student will have a good understanding of the following topics and their applications: 

• Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix, Symmetric matrices, Positive definite matrices and similar matrices.

• Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector point function and related identities.

• Evaluation of line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems and their verification.

• Analytic functions, conformal mapping and complex integration.

• Laplace transform and inverse transform of simple functions, properties, various related theorems and application to differential equations with constant coefficients.

 BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books      

1. Grewal B.S., “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rd Edition, 2014.            

2. Bali N., Goyal M. and Watkins C., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Firewall  Media (An imprint of Lakshmi Publications Pvt., Ltd.,), New Delhi, 7th Edition, 2009.

PHYSICS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING                              


• To introduce the principles of thermal, acoustics, optics and new materials for civil engineering applications.


Upon completion of this course, the students will,

• Have knowledge on the thermal performance of buildings,

• Acquire knowledge on the acoustic properties of buildings,

• Get knowledge on various lighting designs for buildings,

• Gain knowledge on the properties and performance of engineering materials, and

• Understand the hazards of buildings.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Alexander, D. “Natural disaster”, Springer (1993).

2. Gaur R.K. and Gupta S.L., Engineering Physics. Dhanpat  Rai  publishers, 2012. 



• To explain the basic theorems used in Electrical circuits and the different components and function of electrical machines.

• To explain the fundamentals of semiconductor and applications.

• To explain the principles of digital electronics • To impart knowledge of communication.


•    Ability to identify the electrical components and explain the characteristics of electrical machines.

•  Ability to identify electronics components and understand the characteristics

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. D P Kothari and I.J Nagarath, ”Electrical Machines  “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, Third Reprint ,2016

2. A.E. Fitzgerald, David E Higginbotham and Arvin Grabel, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, 2009



• To study the nature and facts about environment. 

• To finding and implementing scientific, technological, economic and political solutions to environmental problems. 

• To study the interrelationship between living organism and environment. 

• To appreciate the importance of environment by assessing its impact on the human world; envision the surrounding environment, its functions and its value. 

• To study the dynamic processes and understand the features of the earth s interior and surface. 

• To study the integrated themes and biodiversity, natural resources, pollution control, and waste management. 


•  Environmental Pollution or problems cannot be solved by mere laws. Public participation is an important aspect which serves the environmental Protection. One will obtain knowledge on the following after completing the course. 

• Public awareness of environmental is at infant stage. 

• Ignorance and incomplete knowledge has lead to misconceptions

• Development and improvement in std. of living has lead to serious environmental disasters 

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Benny Joseph, ‘Environmental Science and Engineering’, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.

2. Dharmendra S. Sengar, ‘Environmental law’, Prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2007.

ENGINEERING MECHANICS                              


• To develop capacity to predict the effect of force and motion in the course of carrying out the design functions of engineering.

Textbooks that be referred

  1. Beer, F.P and Johnston Jr. E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers (In SI Units): Statics and Dynamics”, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company, New Delhi (2004).

2. Bhavikatti, S.S and Rajashekarappa, K.G., “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 1998.



• To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basic engineering practices in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 


On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

• Fabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works.

• Use welding equipments to join the structures.

• Carry out the basic machining operations

• Make the models using sheet metal works

• Illustrate on centrifugal pump, Air conditioner, operations of smithy, foundary and fittings

• Carry out basic home electrical works and appliances

• Measure the electrical quantities

• Elaborate on the components, gates, soldering practices.


The figure shows building drawing


• To introduce the students to draft the plan, elevation and sectional views of buildings in accordance with development and control rules satisfying orientation and functional requirements as per National Building Code. 


• The students will be able to draft the plan, elevation and sectional views of the buildings, industrial structures, and framed buildings using computer softwares. 

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Sikka V.B., A Course in Civil Engineering Drawing, 4th Edition, S.K.Kataria and Sons, 2015.

2. Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks, Kathleen Liston, BIM Handbook:A Guide to building information modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors, John Wiley and Sons. Inc.,2011. 

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 3



• To introduce the basic concepts of PDE for solving standard partial differential equations. 

• To introduce Fourier series analysis which is central to many applications in engineering apart from its use in solving boundary value problems.

• To acquaint the student with Fourier series techniques in solving heat flow problems used in various  situations.

• To acquaint the student with Fourier transform techniques used in wide variety of situations.

• To introduce the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations that model several physical processes and to develop Z transform techniques for discrete time systems. 


• Understand how to solve the given standard partial differential equations. 

• Solve differential equations using Fourier series analysis which plays a vital role in engineering  applications.

• Appreciate the physical significance of Fourier series techniques in solving one and two dimensional heat flow problems and one dimensional wave equations.

• Understand the mathematical principles on transforms and partial differential equations would provide them the ability to formulate and solve some of the physical problems of engineering.

• Use the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations by using Z transform techniques for discrete time systems.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Grewal B.S., “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 43rd Edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2014.

2. Andrews, L.C and Shivamoggi, B, “Integral Transforms for Engineers” SPIE Press, 1999. 



•  To learn the fundamental concepts of Stress, Strain and deformation of solids.

• To know the mechanism of load transfer in beams, the induced stress resultants and deformations.

• To understand the effect of torsion on shafts and springs.

• To analyze plane and space trusses


Students will be able to 

• Understand the concepts of stress and strain, principal stresses and principal planes.

• Determine Shear force and bending moment in beams and understand concept of theory of simple bending.

• Calculate the deflection of beams by different methods and selection of method for determining slope or deflection.

• Apply basic equation of torsion in design of circular shafts and helical springs,  .                 

• Analyze the pin jointed plane and space trusses 

 BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Rajput.R.K. “Strength of Materials”, S.Chand and Co, New Delhi, 2015.

2. Timoshenko.S.B. and Gere.J.M, “Mechanics of Materials”, Van Nos Reinbhold, New Delhi 1999.

FLUID MECHANICS                                              


• To understand the basic properties of the fluid, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics and to analyze and appreciate the complexities involved in solving the fluid flow problems.


At the end of the course students will be able to 

• Get a basic knowledge of fluids in static, kinematic and dynamic equilibrium.

• Understand and solve the problems related to equation of motion.

• Gain knowledge about dimensional and model analysis.

• Learn types of flow and losses of flow in pipes.

• Understand and solve the boundary layer problems.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Modi P.N and Seth “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines”, Standard Book House New Delhi, 2009.

2. Streeter, V.L., and Wylie, E.B., “Fluid Mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 2000.



• To introduce the rudiments of plane surveying and geodetic principles to Civil Engineers. 

• To learn the various methods of plane and geodetic surveying to solve the real world Civil Engineering problems.

• To introduce the concepts of Control Surveying

• To introduce the basics of Astronomical Surveying


At the end of the course the student will be able to understand 

• The use of various surveying instruments and mapping

• Measuring Horizontal angle and vertical angle using different instruments

• Methods of Leveling and setting Levels with different instruments

• Concepts of astronomical surveying and methods to determine time, longitude, latitude and azimuth 

• Concept and principle of modern surveying.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Kanetkar.T.P and Kulkarni.S.V, Surveying and Levelling, Parts 1 & 2, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune, 2008

2. Alfred Leick, “GPS satellite surveying”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 3rd Edition, 2004.

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS                                             


• To introduce students to various materials commonly used in civil engineering construction and their properties.


On completion of this course the students will be able to

• Compare the properties of most common and advanced building materials.

• Understand the typical and potential applications of lime, cement and aggregates

• know the production of concrete and also the method of placing and making of concrete elements.

• Understand the applications of  timbers and other materials  

• Understand the importance of modern material for construction.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1.Varghese.P.C, “Building Materials”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2015.

2. Jagadish.K.S, “Alternative Building Materials Technology”, New Age International, 2007.

ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                                               


• At the end of this course the students will be able to understand the importance of geological knowledge such as earth, earthquake, volcanism and to apply this knowledge in projects such as dams, tunnels, bridges, roads, airport and harbor.


The students completing this course 

• Will be able to understand the importance of geological knowledge such as earth, earthquake, volcanism and the action of various geological agencies. 

• Will get basics knowledge on properties of minerals.

• Gain knowledge about types of rocks, their distribution and uses.

• Will understand the methods of study on geological structure.

• Will understand the application of geological investigation in projects such as dams, tunnels, bridges, roads, airport and harbor

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Varghese, P.C., Engineering Geology for Civil Engineering Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2012.

2. Blyth F.G.H. and de Freitas M.H., Geology for Engineers, Edward Arnold, London, 2010.



• To facilitate the understanding of the behavior of construction materials.


•  The students will have the required knowledge in the area of testing of construction materials and components of construction elements experimentally.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Construction Materials Laboratory Manual, Anna University, Chennai-600 025.

SURVEYING LABORATORY                                      


• At the end of the course the student will posses knowledge about Survey field techniques


• Students completing this course would have acquired practical knowledge on handling basic survey instruments including Theodolite, Tacheometry, Total Station and GPS and have adequate knowledge to carryout Triangulation and Astronomical surveying including general field marking for various engineering projects and Location of site etc. 


Figure symbolizes interpersonal skills


The Course will enable learners to:

• Equip students with the English language skills required for the successful undertaking of academic studies with primary emphasis on academic speaking and listening skills.

•  Provide guidance and practice in basic general and classroom conversation and to engage in specific academic speaking activities.

• Improve general and academic listening skills

• Make effective presentations.


 At the end of the course Learners will be able to:

• Listen and respond appropriately.

• Participate in group discussions

• Make effective presentations

• Participate confidently and appropriately in conversations both formal and informal

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Brooks, Margret. Skills for Success. Listening and Speaking. Level 4 Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2011.

2. Bhatnagar, Nitin and MamtaBhatnagar. Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals. Pearson: New Delhi, 2010.

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 4

NUMERICAL METHODS                                      


• To introduce the basic concepts of solving algebraic and transcendental equations. 

• To introduce the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals in real life situations.

• To acquaint the student with understanding of numerical techniques of differentiation and integration which plays an important role in engineering and technology disciplines.

• To acquaint the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving ordinary differential equations.

• To understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving various types of partial differential equations.


•  Understand the basic concepts and techniques of solving algebraic and transcendental equations. 

• Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation and error approximations in various intervals in real life situations.

• Apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integration for engineering problems.

•  Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.

• Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by  using certain techniques with engineering applications.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Burden, R.L and Faires, J.D, “Numerical Analysis”, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.

2. Brian Bradie, “A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis”, Pearson Education, Asia, New Delhi, 2007.

CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES                                                                                                                                  Objectives         

• The main objective of this course is to make the student aware of the various construction techniques, practices and equipment needed for different types of construction activities.


• To know the different construction techniques and structural systems

• Understand various techniques and practices on masonry construction, flooring, and roofing.

• Plan the requirements for substructure construction.

•  Know the methods and techniques involved in the construction of various types of super structures

• Select, maintain and operate hand and power tools and equipment used in the building construction sites.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. eurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., “Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1995.

2. Jha J and Sinha S.K., “Construction and Foundation Engineering”, Khanna Publishers,

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS II                         


• To know the method of finding slope and deflection of beams and trusses using energy theorems and to know the concept of analysing indeterminate beam

• To estimate the load carrying capacity of columns, stresses due to unsymmetrical bending and various theories for failure of material.


Students will be able to, 

• Determine the strain energy and compute the deflection of determinate beams, frames and trusses using energy principles. 

• Analyze propped cantilever, fixed beams and  continuous beams using theorem of three moment equation for external loadings and support settlements.

• Find the load carrying capacity of columns and stresses induced in columns and cylinders

• Determine principal stresses and planes for an element in three dimensional state of stress and study various theories of failure

• Determine the stresses due to Unsymmetrical bending of beams, locate the shear center,    and find the stresses in curved beams.

 BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books      

1. Rajput R.K. “Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Solids)”, S.Chand & company Ltd., New Delhi, 2015.

1. Kazimi S.M.A, “Solid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2003

APPLIED HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING                                    


• To introduce the students to various hydraulic engineering problems like open channel flows and hydraulic machines. At the completion of the course, the student should be able to relate the theory and practice of problems in hydraulic engineering.


•  Apply their knowledge of fluid mechanics in addressing problems in open channels.

• Able to identify a effective section for flow in different cross sections.

• To solve problems in uniform, gradually and rapidly varied flows in steady state conditions

• Understand the principles, working and application of turbines.

• Understand the principles, working and application of pumps

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

  1. Subramanya.K ,”Flow in open channels”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.

2. Ven Te Chow, “Open Channel Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill, New York, 2009.

CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY                                                                                          


• To impart knowledge to the students on the properties of materials for concrete by suitable tests, mix design for concrete and special concretes.


Students will be able to understand,

•  The various requirements of cement, aggregates and water for making concrete

• The effect of admixtures on properties of concrete

• The concept and procedure of mix design as per IS method

• The properties of concrete at fresh and hardened state

• The importance and application of special concretes.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Gupta.B.L., Amit Gupta, “Concrete Technology”, Jain Book Agency, 2010.

2. Neville, A.M; “Properties of Concrete”, Pitman Publishing Limited, London, 1995

SOIL MECHANICS                 

Figure shows soil taken for testing


• To impart knowledge to classify the soil based on index properties and to assess their engineering properties based on the classification. To familiarize the students about the fundamental concepts of compaction, flow through soil, stress transformation, stress distribution, consolidation and shear strength of soils.


Students will be able to 

• Classify the soil and assess the engineering properties, based on index   properties. 

• Understand the stress concepts in soils

• Understand and identify the settlement in soils.

• Determine the shear strength of soil

• Analyze both finite and infinite slopes.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Murthy, V.N.S., “Text book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers Distribution Ltd., New Delhi. 2014

2. McCarthy, D.F., “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics”. Prentice-Hall, 2006.

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY                          


• To expose the students to the testing of different materials under the action of various forces and determination of their characteristics experimentally.


• The students will have the required knowledge in the area of testing of materials and components of structural elements experimentally.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Strength of Materials Laboratory Manual, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.

2. IS1786-2008 (Fourth Revision, Reaffirmed 2013), ‘High strength deformed bars and wires for concrete reinforcement – Specification’, 2008.



• Students should be able to verify the principles studied in theory by performing the experiments in lab.


• The students will be able to measure flow in pipes and determine frictional losses.

• The students will be able to develop characteristics of pumps and turbines.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Sarbjit Singh.”Experiments in Fluid Mechanics”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Learning Private Limited, Delhi, 2009.

2. “Hydraulic Laboratory Manual”, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, 2004.



• Strengthen the reading skills of students of engineering.

• Enhance their writing skills with specific reference to technical writing.

•  Develop students’ critical thinking skills.

• Provide more opportunities to develop their project and proposal writing skills.


At the end of the course Learners will be able to:

•  Write different types of essays.

• Write winning job applications.

• Read and evaluate texts critically.

• Display critical thinking in various professional contexts.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Gramer F. Margot and Colin S. Ward Reading and Writing (Level 3) Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2011

2. Davis, Jason and Rhonda LIss.Effective Academic Writing (Level 3) Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2006

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 5



• To introduce the different types of philosophies related to design of basic structural elements such as slab, beam, column and footing which form part of any structural system with reference to Indian standard code of practice. 


Students will be able to,

• Understand the various design methodologies for the design of RC elements.

• Know the analysis and design of flanged beams by limit state method and sign of beams for shear, bond and torsion. 

• Design the various types of  slabs and staircase by limit state method.

• Design columns for axial, uniaxial and biaxial eccentric loadings.                 • Design of footing by limit state method.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 

2. Jain, A.K., “Limit State Design of RC Structures”, Nemchand Publications, Roorkee, 1998  

STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I                                       


• To introduce the students to basic theory and concepts of classical methods of structural analysis 


Students will be able to,

•  Analyze continuous beams, pin-jointed indeterminate plane frames and rigid plane frames by strain energy method

• Analyse the continuous beams and rigid frames by slope defection method.

• Understand the concept of moment distribution and analysis of continuous beams and rigid frames with and without sway.

• Analyse the indeterminate pin jointed plane frames continuous beams and rigid frames using matrix flexibility method.

• Understand the concept of matrix stiffness method and analysis of continuous beams, pin jointed trusses and rigid plane frames.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Bhavikatti, S.S,Structural Analysis,Vol.1,& 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.,NewDelhi-4, 2014.

2. Punmia. B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain, Theory of structures, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2004.


Figure shows pipelines for water supply


• To equip the students with the principles and design of water treatment units and distribution system.


 The students completing the course will have,    

• An insight into the structure of drinking water supply systems, including water transport, treatment, and distribution

• The knowledge  in various unit operations and processes in water treatment

• An ability to design the various functional units in water treatment

• An understanding of water quality criteria and standards, and their relation to public health

•  Tthe ability to design and evaluate water supply project alternatives on basis of chosen criteria.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Garg, S.K. Environmental Engineering, Vol.IKhanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.

2. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi, 1999.

FOUNDATION ENGINEERING                                          


• To impart knowledge to plan and execute a detail site investigation programme, to select geotechnical design parameters and type of foundations. Also to familiarize the students for the geotechnical design of different type of foundations and retaining walls.


Students will be able to, 

• Understand the site investigation, methods and sampling.

• Get knowledge on bearing capacity and testing methods.

• Design shallow footings.

• Determine the load carrying capacity, settlement of Pile foundation

• Determine the earth pressure on retaining walls and analysis for stability.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Murthy, V.N.S., “Text book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers Distribution Ltd., New Delhi. 2014.

2. Braja M Das, “Principles of Foundation Engineering” (Eigth edition), Cengage Learning   2014.

 SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY                                


• To develop skills to test the soils for their index and engineering properties and to characterise the soil based on their properties.


• Students are able to conduct tests to determine both the index and engineering properties of soils and to characterize the soil based on their properties.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. “Soil Engineering Laboratory Instruction Manual” published by Engineering College Cooperative Society, Anna University, Chennai, 2010.

2. Lambe T.W., “Soil Testing for Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951. Digitized 2008.



• To analyse the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and wastewater 

• To quantify the dosage requirement for coagulation process

• To study the growth of micro-organism and its quantification

• To quantify the sludge 


On the completion of the course, the students will be able to:

•  Quantify the pollutant concentration in water and wastewater

• Suggest the type of treatment required and amount of dosage required for the treatment

• Examine the conditions for the growth of micro-organisms

SURVEY CAMP                             

The objective of the survey camp is to enable the students to get practical training in the field work. Groups of not more than six members in a group will carry out each exercise in survey camp. At the end of the camp, each student shall have mapped and contoured the area. The camp record shall include all original field observations, calculations and plots.



• To introduce the students to limit state design of structural steel members subjected to compressive, tensile and bending loads, including connections. Design of structural systems such as roof trusses, gantry girders as per provisions of current code (IS 800 – 2007) of practice for working stress and Limit state Method. 


Students will be able to,

•  Understand the concepts of various design philosophies

•  Design common bolted and welded connections for steel structures

•  Design tension members and understand the effect of shear lag.

•  Understand the design concept of axially loaded columns and column base connections.

• Understand specific problems related to the design of laterally restrained and unrestrained steel beams.  

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Subramanian.N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013.

2. “Teaching Resource on Structural Steel Design”, INSDAG,  Ministry of Steel Publications, 2002 

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 6

STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS II                                            


•  To learn the method of drawing influence lines and its uses in various applications like beams and plane trusses.

•  To analyse the arches, suspension bridges and space trusses.

•  Also to learn Plastic analysis of beams and rigid frames.


Students will be able to, 

•  Draw influence lines for statically determinate structures and calculate critical stress resultants.

• Understand Muller Breslau principle and draw the influence lines for statically indeterminate beams.

• Analyse of three hinged, two hinged and fixed arches.

•  Analyse the suspension bridges with stiffening girders

•  Understand the concept of Plastic analysis and the method of analyzing  beams and rigid frames.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Bhavikatti,S.S, Structural Analysis,Vol.1 & 2, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., NewDelhi-4, 2014.

1. Negi.L.S and Jangid R.S., Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2004.

 IRRIGATION ENGINEERING                      


• The student is exposed to different phases in irrigation practices and Planning and management of irrigation. Further, they will be imparted required knowledge on Irrigation storage and distribution canal system and Irrigation management.


Students will be able to,

• Have knowledge and skills on crop water requirements.

•  Understand the methods and management of irrigation.

• Gain knowledge on types of impounding structures 

•  Understand methods of irrigation including canal irrigation.

• Get knowledge on water management on optimization of water use.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation Water Management”, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.

2. Duggal, K.N. and Soni, J.P., “Elements of Water Resources Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 2005

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING                                                    


• To give an overview about the highway engineering with respect to, planning, design, construction and maintenance of highways as per IRC standards, specifications and methods.


Students will be able to, 

•  Get knowledge on  planning and aligning of highway.

• Geometric design of highways

• Design flexible and rigid pavements.

•  Gain knowledge on Highway construction materials, properties, testing methods

• Understand the concept of pavement management system, evaluation of distress and maintenance of pavements.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Khanna.S. K., Justo.C.E.G and Veeraragavan A. “Highway Engineering”, Nemchand Publishers, 2014.

2. Indian Road Congress (IRC), Guidelines  for the  Design of Flexible Pavements, ( Third Revision),  IRC: 37-2012



• The objectives of this course is to help students develop the ability to apply basic understanding of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena for successful design, operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plants.


The students completing the course will have,

• An ability to estimate sewage generation and design sewer system including sewage pumping stations

•  The required understanding on the characteristics and composition of sewage, selfpurification of streams

•  An ability to perform basic design of the unit operations and processes that are used in sewage treatment

•  Understand the standard methods for disposal of sewage.

•  Gain knowledge on sludge treatment and disposal.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Garg, S.K., Environmental Engineering Vol. II, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2015.

2. Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems Part A,B and C, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi, 2013.



• To learn the principles and procedures of testing of highway materials


•  Student knows the techniques to characterize various pavement materials through relevant tests.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Highway Materials and Pavement Testing, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, Revised Fifth Edition, 2009

2. Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials, IS 1201–1978 to IS 1220– 1978, Bureau of Indian Standards



•  At the end of the semester, the student shall conceive, design and draw the irrigation and environmental engineering structures in detail showing the plan, elevation and Sections.


•  The students after completing this course will be able to design and draw various units of Municipal water treatment plants and sewage treatment plants.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Satya Narayana Murthy Challa, “Water Resources Engineering: Principles and Practice”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.

1. Mohanakrishnan. A, “A few Novel and Interesting Innovative Irrigation Structures: Conceived, Designed and Executed in the Plan Projects in Tamil Nadu”, Publ. No. 44 and Water Resources Development & Management Publ.No.43, IMTI Thuvakudy, Trichy, 2011.



The couse aims to,

•  Enhance the Employability and Career Skills of students

• Orient the students towards grooming as a professional

• Make them Employable Graduates

•  Develop their confidence and help them attend interviews successfully.


At the end of the course Learners will be able to,

•  Make effective presentations

•  Participate confidently in Group Discussions.

•  Attend job interviews and be successful in them.

•  Develop adequate Soft Skills required for the workplace

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Butterfield, Jeff   Soft Skills for Everyone. Cengage Learning: New Delhi, 2015

2. Interact English Lab Manual for Undergraduate Students,. OrientBalckSwan: Hyderabad,

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 7



• The students will acquire knowledge in estimation, tender practices, contract procedures, and valuation and will be able to prepare estimates, call for tenders and execute works.


The student will be able to,

• Estimate the quantities for buildings,

•  Rate Analysis for all Building works, canals, and Roads and Cost Estimate.

•  Understand types of specifications, principles for report preparation, tender notices types.

• Gain knowledge on types of contracts

• Evaluate valuation for building and land.

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. B.N Dutta ‘Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering’, UBS Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2010.



• To introduce the students about Railways planning, design, construction and maintenance and planning design principles of airport and harbour  


Students who successfully complete this course will be able to,

•  Understand the methods of route alignment and design elements in Railway Planning and Constructions.

• Understand the Construction techniques and Maintenance of Track laying and Railway stations.

• Gain an insight on the planning and site selection of Airport Planning and design.

• Analyze and design the elements for orientation of runways and passenger facility systems.

• Understand the various features in Harbours and Ports, their construction, coastal protection works and coastal Regulations to be adopted. 

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Subramanian K.P., Highways, Railways, Airport and Harbour Engineering, V Scitech Publications (India), Chennai, 2010

2.  Venkatramaiah. C., Transportation Engineering-Vol.2 Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbours, Bridges and Tunnels.,Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2015.

STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND DRAWING                         


• This course aims at providing students with a solid background on the principles of structural engineering design. Students will be acquire the knowledge of liquid retaining structures, bridges components, retaining wall and industrial structures.


At the end of the course the student will be able to, 

•  Design and draw reinforced concrete Cantilever and Counterfort  Retaining Walls 

• Design and draw flat slab as per code provisions

•  Design and draw reinforced concrete and steel bridges 

• Design and draw reinforced concrete and steel water tanks 

• Design and detail the various steel trusses and cantry girders

BE civil Engineering Subjects – Text books

1. Krishnaraju N, Structural Design and Drawing, Universities Press, 2009. 

2. Krishnamurthy D,Structural Design and Drawing VolI,IIandIII,CBS Publishers, 2010.  2.      Shah V L and Veena Gore,Limit State Design of Steel Structures

CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE PROJECT                              


• To use the knowledge acquired in Civil Engineering to do a mini project, which allows the students to come up with designs, fabrication or algorithms and programs expressing their ideas in a novel way

BE Civil Engineering Subjects-Semester – 8

Subjects in semester 8 are professional electives and final year project.

Lastly, I just want to tell you that the subjects may vary with universities, but same at the core.

Let us know your doubts in the comment section.

Happy learning!

MUST READ:   Civil engineering subjects; Skills mastered and Applications

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